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Keynote speakers

Craig Larman


Co-creator of LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum), practices and encourages a focus on doing over teaching.

Keynote—AI & HR

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Dave West

Product Owner and CEO at

Keynote—Moving to a Agile Product Operating Model

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Susanne Taylor

Half of the twin change agent team.

Keynote—Mastering the Flux Mindset: Your Superpower to Career Resilience

Workshop—Flip the Script Workshop

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Sylvia Taylor

Half of the twin change agent team.

Keynote—Mastering the Flux Mindset: Your Superpower to Career Resilience

Workshop—Flip the Script Workshop

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Woody Zuill


Originator and pioneer of the Software Teaming (Mob Programming) approach.

Keynote—Advanced Software Teaming

Workshop—Software Teaming Workshop

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Anna Radzikowska

Mauvius Group

COO at Mauvius Group, promoting Kanban.

In the depths of the Kanban. Applying underappreciated scaling techniques for product management in the finance institution.

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Evelien Acun-Roos, Xebia Academy

Professional Knowledge Sharer with Xebia Academy.

Fostering Happiness in Agile Teams: A Neurochemical Perspective

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Gabriela Załoga


Agile coach and retired international tennis umpire.

How goats Achieve Mastery: The Power of Continuous Improvement

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Jakub Nabrdalik

Bottega IT Minds

Software architect with over 20 years of experience, helping companies move to microservices for the last 6.

Autonomous Teams, or how to get the most out of your microservices

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Jan Pastwa


Jan is a Senior Product Manager at Allegro and a Lecturer at Koźminski University.

How product organization at Allegro made international expansion possible

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Jaroslaw Łojko

Jarek is an Agile Coach working with Polish banking sector.

Why creating a RACI matrix is not a good idea

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Joanna Kaczyńska

Stowarzyszenie Ekspertki Razem

Building up the risk management culture in the public sector.

Risk management culture: asset or hassle?

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Joanna Płaskonka


The first accredited Agile Kata trainer in Poland.

The Neuroscience Behind Perceived Value

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Karol Starzak


Project Manager introducing agile into manufacturing

Agile Electric Catamarans Manufacturing

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Katarzyna Mydło

Scrum Master, working with agile product development.

Peer Supervision Unleashed

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Konrad Gniazdowski


A teacher who became a Scrum Master

Small Scale Scrumming

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Konstantin Valeev


Product & project manager from JetBrains.

How to build your own prioritization framework

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Marcin Kępka


Agile Coach & Scrum Master with a heart for people and patience for changes.

Agile leadership and technical mastery, a harmonious alliance

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Margaux Fiche

55 Degrees

Manager of Customer Experience and Professional Kanban Trainer.

How one change in your daily routine can improve your delivery

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Marta Borkowska

CEO & Founder Mangrove

Experienced business coach, agile coach, facilitator and mentor.

Dopamine in Work Environment: Friend or Foe

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Monika Malcherek

Scrum Master, mentor and linguist.

The high cost of ‘cheap’ facilitation. How to run meetings with high ROI

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Paweł Zajączkowski


Engineering manager with 15 years of software development experience.

Leader in the Land of Dilemmas

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Paweł Zakrzewski

GE HealthCare

Engineering Leader in GE HealthCare.

An Agile application for safety critical systems development

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Sarah Gruneisen


Experienced software developer and leader.

Agile Evolution: Engineering Visionary Leadership

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Stanisław Matczak


Agile coach, former developer and team lead.

Your mission matters!

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Stefan Stojković

Agile Coach and a LEGO® Serious Play® certified Facilitator.

Agile Playground: The Power of Experimentation

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Tomasz Dzierżek


Consultant, Trainer, and Agile Coach

Program Manager is the new Agile Coach (but better)

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Tomasz Maj

Agile coach and transformation expert.

The Great Product Organization Equation

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Wojciech Ogórek

BNP Paribas

Chief Architect and Product Owner at BNP Paribas.

Architecture as a Product: is it possible for enterprise architects to be really agile?

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Agnieszka Cieślawska

Volt Technologies

Agile Coach with 20 years of experience working with people.

Workshop—Stop Guessing, Start Predicting. Unleash the Power of Monte Carlo

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Agnieszka Nieznańska


Initiator and co-author of the MBA research: "Preventing and handling burnout – the employer's perspective".

Workshop—Preventing and Handling Burnout: The Employer's Perspective

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Agnieszka Reginek

Scrum Master advocating for flow and Kanban.

Workshop—Stop Guessing, Start Predicting. Unleash the Power of Monte Carlo

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Alla Bukuyazava

From Media Agency to Global IT Companies, design-thinking and product discovery.

Workshop—Concept Building Workshop: User Feedback and Leadership Input Can Enhance Your Product Concept

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Anna Klimek

Volvo Group Digital & IT

Scrum Master with SAP consultant Scrum Master.

Workshop—Scrum Master and Product Owner: Friends or Foes? Relationship anti-patterns and how to get through a conflict

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Dave Ross


Miro Solutions Engineer

Workshop—Innovation in action: rapid prototyping workshop

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Dawid Stronczak

Flo Health

Experienced Engineering Manager.

Workshop—Improv Your Team: Boosting Efficiency with Creative Collaboration

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Edyta Drojecka

Mentor, trainer, and scrum master specializing in leadership development.

Workshop—F…ck it! I want to be a leader not a servant leader. How to fix the scrum master role?

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Fredrik Wendt


Product Leadership Coach.

Workshop—Leading with Value

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Kate Hobler

Brass Willow

Kate Hobler

Charismatic mentor, one of the most experienced Scrum experts in Poland.

Workshop—The Culture of Products: What Needs to Evolve in our Thinking, So That We Can Become a Product-centric Organization?

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Łukasz Filut

Plucky Rebels

Product management consultant.

Workshop—Leading Product Success: Exploring Leadership Roles and Structures

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Maarit Laanti


Agile Coach focused on Agile Hardware.

Workshop—Agile Hardware Workshop

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Magdalena Baran


Agile coach & trainer, organizational anthropologist.

Workshop—Scrum Master and Product Owner: Friends or Foes? Relationship anti-patterns and how to get through a conflict

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Michał Kościukiewicz


Scrum Master with technical background.

Workshop—The Force Awakens: Mastering Prompt Sorcery & Jedi tricks (sometimes Sith necromancy)

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Piotr Górajek


Scrum Master and Agile Coach with a technical background.

Workshop—The Force Awakens: Mastering Prompt Sorcery & Jedi tricks (sometimes Sith necromancy)

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Rory Keddie


Miro Evangelist

Workshop—Innovation in action: rapid prototyping workshop

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Susanne Taylor

Half of the twin change agent team.

Keynote—Mastering the Flux Mindset: Your Superpower to Career Resilience

Workshop—Flip the Script Workshop

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Sylvia Taylor

Half of the twin change agent team.

Keynote—Mastering the Flux Mindset: Your Superpower to Career Resilience

Workshop—Flip the Script Workshop

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Thomas Leyens


Industrial engineer, MBA.

Workshop—Preventing and Handling Burnout: The Employer's Perspective

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Woody Zuill


Originator and pioneer of the Software Teaming (Mob Programming) approach.

Keynote—Advanced Software Teaming

Workshop—Software Teaming Workshop

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Zuzanna Konarska

Ergo Hestia

Zuzanna Konarska has been working as a Scrum Master for small startup teams, later with several teams in the energy industry in Poland (PGE Systemy) and now, for several months runs an international team at Lufthansa Systems and implements Scrum practices in the organization.

Workshop—F…ck it! I want to be a leader not a servant leader. How to fix the scrum master role?

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