
Woody Zuill

Woody Zuill is an Agile and Lean Software Development guide who has been programming computers for 40+ years. He is an originator and pioneer of the Software Teaming (Mob Programming) approach to teamwork in software development, and provides workshops, coaching, and training on team software development. He is also a founder of the “Beyond Estimates” discussion, and a frequent speaker at conferences and developer meet-ups all over the world.

Keynote—Advanced Software Teaming

Software Teaming (Mob Programming) is a cost-effective, collaborative and fun way to get work done together. It's a whole-team approach to development, where coding, designing, testing, and working with the "customer" (partner, Product Owner, User, etc.) is all done as a team.

In this session I'll start by introducing the basic idea of Software Teaming and why I think it works so well. Then we'll explore some of the issues that can make software development difficult, and I'll share several important ideas that guided our path to making improvements and "Software Teaming."

The 4 main ideas I'll touch on are:
1 - Make it Easy for everyone to excel
2 - Turn Up The Good on the things that are going well
3 - The Failure to Communicate, and why collaboration is so important
4 - Leading from Within - the need for each of us to lead dynamically

It is my hope that others can learn from what we did, and move beyond to discover even better ways to work.

Workshop—Software Teaming Workshop

SoftwareTeaming [Mob Programming] is a cost-effective, collaborative, and fun way to get work done together. It's a whole-team approach to development, where coding, designing, testing, and working with the "customer" (partner, Product Owner, User, etc.) is all done as a team.

In this workshop you will be introduced to the ideas and practices of Software Teaming, and get a chance to experience it.

Our approximate agenda:
• Introduction: Software Teaming (Mob Programming), The basics of how it works
• The Driver/Navigator pairing practice, expanded to the team - Roles and technique
• Coding Dojo Demonstration: A simple demo of Software Teaming (Mob Programming) with volunteers from the participants.
• Coding Exercise: Working on a Sample Project, learning to work
together using a few rules
• Question and answer period
• Discussion on the application of Software Teaming (Mob Programming)


Talk—Make it Easy