In 2018 all the talks, with the exception of the keynotes, lightning talks and the discussion panel were held in two parallel tracks. We continued with the established ABE format – the keynotes were 50 mins long and the other talks were either 30 or 15 min.
Kevin Goldsmith
What Does Good Agile Look Like
Christopher Avery
The Responsibility Process: Unlocking
Joshua Kerievsky
Are You Curious?
Angel Medinilla
From Agile teams to the Agile Organization — Agility beyond software development
Maciej Michalski
Startup life vs corporate America. Lessons learned
Peter Stevens
Six Questions to Change Your Life: The Power of Personal Agility
Silvana Wasitova
Extreme Scrum
Piotr Leszczyński
How to trust your data
Paul Klipp
The low hanging fruit is rotten: how Kanban and Scrum are destroying enterprise agility
Ran Nyman
10 Years of Examples Using Large-Scale Scrum
Petter Abrahamsen
Stakeholders — the good, the bad and the ugly
Stephen Parry
The Chameleon Effect
Manuel Küblböck
Making decisions when there are no bosses
Tomasz Netczuk, Mateusz Srebrny
Lean @ Codlity
Leadership & Innovation
Gary Crawford
Overcoming weak signals, inattentional blindness and long held assumptions
Ela Czajka, Cezary Piekacz
A Google way to do OKRs
Mina Boström Nakićenović
Innovate Successfully with Minimum Viable Effort
Tomek Włodarek
10 pitfalls to watch out for while changing an organizational culture
Krystian Kaczor
Scrum Studio—Agile in non-Agile organization
Dominik Sawicki, Grzegorz Struś
Agile transformation in sales and recruitment teams
Jakub Szczepanik
Transformation is a neverending story, not a step or project
Jacek Wieczorek
How to build the right product using Product Discovery techniques
David Denham
How we used Design Sprints to take product discovery into overdrive
Jakub Uniejewski
This feature will fail and your agile doesn’t matter
Paweł Feliński
Hypotheses Validation
Ada Andruszkiewicz
A short story of an agile voice bot
Remote & Craftsmanship
Lisette Sutherland
How to be a high performing distributed agile team
Alan Stanbridge
Swarming in Scrum (and a bit about remote teams)
Piotr Kuczyński
Mobbing. Not what HR thinks it means
Michał Buczko
It requires three to understand, define and deliver
Team Building
Sabrina Hauptman, Alex Ríos
How to build a feedback culture that fosters happiness and motivation
Melissa Lang
The mechanics of team building — no cooking or paintball or escape rooms involved
Radosław Orszewski
Hijack company feedback loops with Kanban Cadences
In 2018 the lineup of the panel was spectacular.
The panel was moderated by Andy Brandt.
Marcin Michalski
Angel Medinilla
Lisette Sutherland
All the workshops were 3–3.5 hour long. The participants could choose one workshop in the morning and another in the afternoon session.
Tomek Włodarek, Kamil Surmacz
Iterate™ Product Development Game. Have fun, fail safe and learn fast
Paweł Kmiotek
Liberating Structures—Introduction to facilitation structures to include everyone’s opinion
Agnieszka Lidak, Adam Kwiecień
Bring your own huge problem and apply full Action Learning session to it
Marcin Ziółek, Magdalena Walczak
The Cynefin framework: putting complexity into perspective
Jakub Szczepanik
Agile Transformations Case Studies
Paweł Feliński
Hypotheses Validation
Rafał Markowicz
You ain’t gonna need retromat
Peter Stevens
Start changing your life: Getting Started with Personal Agility
Lisette Sutherland
Work Together Anywhere
Maciek Sowiński
Improve your product thinking skills
Radosław Orszewski
Flow-focused metrics—your way to become Lean
Stephen Parry
Breaking through the culture barrier
Artur Zawadzki, Kamil Tyburski
Value Stream Mapping—a fresh look at your processes
Marzena Tyran, Bartek Janowski
The bitter-sweet taste of feedback—an effective way to feed our self-development?
Sabrina Hauptman
Design Thinking
Paweł Pietruszka
Introduction to DevOps with Chocolate, LEGO and Scrum Game
Ran Nyman
Using Systems Thinking in Designing Organisation