
Ralph Joham

Ralph is a change agent, author and a trainer since 2010. He has been agile for over 20 years and worked extensively with Ken Schwaber on many Scrum related topics. Ralph is currently the steward for the Professional Scrum Product Owner training at He also authored the best-selling book about product ownership ‘The Professional Product Owner’ and gives guest lectures at a variety of universities.
Ralph has been active in various fields in different countries. He started at a medical imaging software company in Germany and later joined Oracle in the UK. A few years later, Ralph left Europe for the US, first consulting at a bank in Manhattan, then relocated to the Bay Area to work for Applied Biosystems, a life science company. He also became a ThoughtWorker out of their San Francisco office helping clients such as LinkedIn, the Gap, Google and Roche Pharmaceuticals. Since 2009 he calls Switzerland his home where he founded effective agile, an agile training and consulting company, teaching over 7000 people on four continents.

Talks to be announced.


Keynote—Product Owner Demystified