Izabela Goździeniak
Lean Agile Coach, trainer and systems thinking practitioner. For over 14 years, she has been working with product, services, operations and infrastructure teams. A lead of Agile Coaches in Allegro and part of the Network Perspective team, serving an innovative tool that supports the development of hybrid and remote teams. Co-author and co-founder of Agile247.pl
Izabela Goździeniak will hold both her talk and Dojo together with Anita Zbieg.
Talks to be announced.
Talk—Hybrid and remote teams collaboration, performance and well-being hidden behind habits and communication patterns.
Workshop—Work habits that boost hybrid and remote team’s collaboration, performance & well-being: metrics & benchmarks
Workshop—Define structures—how to start when something goes wrong in agile cooperation
Talk—5 ways to waste team's time on symptoms not root causes
Workshop—Stop starting, start finishing work!