
Andrii Glushchenko

Andrii is a very energetic and ambitious Agile Coach and Professional Scrum Trainer, who always finds creative solutions and never stops improving himself.

Andrii Glushchenko gained his experience as a Scrum Master and an Agile Coach in a wide range of Organizations in Poland and abroad. Andrii is able to inspire with his passion and enthusiasm for building high-value products, building high-performing teams and transforming organizations. Andrii worked in startups as well as leading large-scale transformations in the banking area. Andrii was a Scrum Master for Organizations, which were able to effectively compete with giants as Spotify and was facilitating large-scale Agile Transformations. Andrii participated in Agile Transformation at Raiffeisen Polbank and was an Agile Transformation Leader at BNP Paribas Poland. During his career, Andrii conducted numerous coaching sessions, conducted numerous classes and workshops, and facilitated events even with up to 200 participants. In the year 2021, Andrii trained more than 400 students. Depending on a situation, Andrii is able to choose the most fitting solution from a wide range of facilitation techniques, professional coaching, consulting or conflict resolution.

Andrii will present his talk together with Artem Bykovets.

Talks to be announced.


Talk—Why Does Culture Matter? Recent Examples from Ukraine