
Monika Malcherek

Scrum Master, mentor and linguist. Her goal and mission is to humanize the workplace She always tries to strike the perfect balance between challenging her teammates and supporting them with kindness and respect. While collaborating with organisations from various cultural landscapes and industries she relentlessly works towards exposing ridiculously unproductive practices and then tackles them head-on to find ways to continuously improve. Her innate curiosity and acquired courage constantly lead her in new directions and unexplored territories. In her free time she loves combining nature and culture, her latest passion is improv theatre.

The high cost of ‘cheap’ facilitation. How to run meetings with high ROI

Most people complain about too many meetings, especially the ones in which they only say: “Hi” and “Bye” without making an impact or a valuable contribution. The frustration of attending meetings whose only outcome is setting a follow-up session can only be compared to throwing money down the drain. Because unproductive, poorly facilitated meetings are not only a waste of time; they’re also a high cost for the organisation. In my talk we’ll focus on strategies for setting measurable outcomes, ensuring active participation, and aligning meeting goals with organizational objectives.

I will share tools and techniques that will help you to manage time effectively, ensure inclusive decision-making, and handle conflicts. Through real-life examples we’ll explore how even a single statement can make or break the meeting. We’ll also address the challenges of facilitation in a foreign language, its common pitfalls as well as ways to avoid them. Join me to discover how to transform your meetings into productive, engaging, and high-ROI sessions, ultimately building a culture of effective meetings in your organization.