
Edyta Drojecka

I am a mentor, trainer, and scrum master. Curiosity is the core of my growth mindset and the driving force that keeps me moving forward. I am curious about people; I love discovering the wonderful things they have within them and the potential they possess that they may not even be aware of. The result of this curiosity is my continuous development and the fact that I never get bored.

I specialize in leadership development. I work according to the principle that the place where the problem arises is the place where the best solutions can be found. I strive to discover new possibilities in other people. My curiosity about people allows me to see their hidden potential and help them fully develop it. I collaborate with leaders, teaching them management that leverages the full potential of their team members.

And one more thing: If there is no joy, then what’s the point? It is my barometer for whether I am on the right path.

Workshop—F…ck it! I want to be a leader not a servant leader. How to fix the scrum master role?

The year 2024 is passing under the slogan "Agile is dead" and the role of the scrum master is unnecessary. Why? Because organizations, managers, teams and, above all, SM themselves have lost the sense of influence. Perhaps it is by not understanding the role of a servant leader that we have made ourselves feel powerless, frustrated, or simply ineffective. Can we change this? Yes!

We want to give SMs, Agile Coaches and POs tools to work on ownership and influence. Together with the participants, we want to vivisect the actual situation and analyze what is going well. What opportunities are not taken advantage of by SMs, and what risks are ignored, and together we can develop a plan to repair this role. Each participant will be able to work on their case studies and build a recovery plan. For this, we will use coaching, mentoring methods and stoic practices incorporated into Liberarting Structures. And we'll go back to basics!

Co-facilitated with Zuzanna Konarska.